Beautiful Me

The Disclaimer

Hello and Welcome my fat zomba(s). You have entered to blablabla. I just shared what I like and feel. Put your own words. I hope you like my new skins. Thank you :)

Travel This Site

The Cbox Song

♦ URL blog wajib ade not email
♦ Harsh words & Anon not allowed


This skin is made by : Mrs AF
Some helped from :
Unnie Atiqah
Some coding from :
Fatin Hazwani
Using basecode :
Aishah Baharudin

All rights reserved ® Your Name 2011 - 2012

Kegunaan Radas

Monday 8 April 2013 06:38 0 Atashinci(s)

Radas yang biasa digunakan di dalam makmal

                                                        Tabung uji , Tabung Didih
Kegunaan : Untuk mengisikan atau memanaskan bahan kimia dalam kuantiti yang kecil

                                                                 Bikar , Kelalang kon
Kegunaan : Untuk mengisikan cecair atau bahan kimia pepejal dalam kuantiti yang besar


                                                                     Serkup Kaca
Kegunaan:Untuk menghasilkan keadaan vakum/mengumpul saty isi padu udara

Balang Gas
-Untuk mengumpulkan gas

                                                                      Kaki retort
Kegunaan : Untuk memegang atau menyokong sesuatu radas

Tungku Kaki tiga
Kegunaan:Untuk menyokong radas semasa pemanasan

Kasa Dawai
Kegunaan:Untuk menyebarkan haba dengan sekata semasa pemanasan


Monday 1 April 2013 22:52 0 Atashinci(s)


What Is Copy Right ?

Copyright is the legal right given to the owner of a copyright to prevent other from copying an artistic works , literary , dramatic , or music work only the copyright owner has the legal right to reproduce the work in any form has the the right to sue others who copy or distribute unauthorid work without the copyright owner's permission .

The owner copyright has the special right to do and authorize the following .

-To reproduce the work
-To prepare copied work to the public by sale or transfer of ownership ,or by rental , lease , or             leading .
-To disallow other persons from using the work .
-To carry out the work publicly

Copyright protection in Malaysia is govened by the copyright Act 1987 . There is no system of registration for copyright in Malaysia . A work that is eligible is protected automatically upon fulfillment of the following conditions :-

-Sufficent effort has been expected to make the work  original in character .
-The work has been written down , recorded or reduce to a material from
-The author is qualified person or the work is made in Malaysia or the work is firwt published in Malaysia

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